Stock Road


Stock Road has been described both as 'a stock route to the river and grazing areas at Attadale', and 'part of a stock route from Midland to the Robbs Jetty meatworks'. Both of these descriptions may be true.

Dr Marie Joan Winch, when interviewed by Dr Leonie Stella at Coolbellup in July 2001, says "but the Stock Road was of course the Stock Track, for the cattle to come through and down to Robb's Jetty".

Dr Marie Joan Winch, who was born in June 1935, describes Stock Road sometime during the second world war as follows: "I want to tell you about Stock Road though, because in the war years it was just a bush track and we used to go through there and there were carpets and carpets of yellow orchids, about this high, 6 inches off the ground. Not only the yellow orchids, but carpets and carpets of catspaws which were about that high, and oh they were the most beautiful things, and that was from going along McKimmie Street into and up to Stock Road. And then it was just so beautiful, they were just so plentiful and, of course, the orchids and that were absolutely magnificent. And we liked to go further on where you got all those beautiful kangaroo paws and they would all be sitting back there against - they were more north towards the jarrah trees. And as we used to go through there quite often we used to come across soldiers because they were up at the Melville camp there (on South Street)."

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