Past Events
40th Anniversary of MHS
On Saturday 7 October 2023 between 2-5 pm, the Melville History Society celebrated its 40th Anniversary at the museum and adjoining park. Activities included a horse pulling the original Millers Bakehouse delivery cart up the road, displays and demonstrations, face painting, pony rides, a display panel of portraits of local famous and infamous people as created by primary school students in the area. Afternoon tea and birthday cake were offered for the celebratory occasion.
More than 300 people attended for this wonderful occasion.

May 2023 guest speaker was Alex George on the topic of 'The black swan emblem in Western Australia's art and culture.' There are surprisingly numerous black swans depicted in and around Perth; sculptures, murals, architectural features, coats of arms (including the City of Melville), labels, emblems, and paintings. Prior to the sighting in W.A. by the Dutch, the black swan was considered mythical. Alex's selection went from the smallest swan which is seen in the crest at St George's Cathedral to a very large cover over the pavilion of the Swan Districts Football Club. Over the years black swans have been sent to Britain including some to Winston Churchill at his home Chartwell in Kent. Alex's work is published in a book Swanning around Perth by Alex George and Charmaine Cave (Four Gables Press, 2016)
A taste of some special breads baked by guests
Offerings were made by Derek Hughes and his group of baking enthusiasts; professionals, amateurs and beginners. 'Freo Food. Bread'.
The Miller Bakehouse Museum was lucky enough to receive some new display breads through the generosity of bakers Derek Hughes and Nick Agostino, and 'IL Panino Bakery & Cafe'. Included are 'Pair of Uprights'. This was a common type of loaf purchased. It was able to be pulled apart and sold, which was especially useful in smaller households. Regular deliveries and natural ingredients supported this idea. Known in France as Pain-de fesses (butt bread) a bit cheeky. Also supplied in Canada as a typical Quebecer or Household bread.
Derek and Nick also donated some Horse Shoe Rolls. These were extremely popular for lunches holding and displaying the many varied goodies that were to be consumed, and can still be seen in good sandwich cabinets today!
Date: Sunday 17 October 2021 at 2:30 pm
'Behind the scenes dramas when three of Pam's family were water polo Olympians in more than one Olympics' presented by Pam Neesham on 19 February 2024
Family histories of the KIDD/ JESSON and MILLER/ NEESHAM were discussed. David and Pam had similar interests: athletics, tennis, water polo. They met when they were 17. Pam and David married at Our Lady of Fatima, Palmyra in 1969 going on to have 4 children: David Jr (tragically deceased age 25 in 1969), Stephanie, Lincoln, and Timothy.
A member of the Melville Water Polo Club at Bicton Baths from the age of 7. She was in many WA State teams and a member of the Australian Women's Water Polo team. During European tournaments, she campaigned with her teammates for Women's Water Polo to be included in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, in which she became a reserve. It was exciting when Australia won the Gold Medal in Sydney 2000!
Tim played football, softball, tennis, swimming, and hockey at Aquinas College. He was 7 when he first started playing Water Polo at the Melville Water Polo Club at Bicton Baths. He was in the MWPC Club teams: Mariners, WA State teams, Australian Men's Olympic Water Polo team, and was chosen for 3 Olympics in Sydney 2000, Athens 2004, and Beijing 2008. He has played in Italy; Catania in Sicily and Firenze in Florence. He also played for the Richmond Tigers (Melbourne). Tim was a Gold Medallist at the Commonwealth championships in Perth WA, played in the 2006 World League Super Finals in Athens, at the 2007 FINA World League Super Finals in Berlin.
David Charles Neesham had 6 brothers and 6 sisters; sadly, young Robert was tragically killed by a car in 1967 aged 7. He played football for East Fremantle and Water Polo for the Melville Water Polo Club. In 1968 he was chosen in the Water Polo team at the Mexico Olympic Games. He was also Captain Coach of the First 18 Australian Rules Side, Captain Coach of the RMC Water Polo team and the Inter Services competition (Army, Navy, and Airforce) and ACT Country competition. In 1970 - 1971 he played for the NSW State Team. He had 3 gold medals in a row as he had played for WA in 1969. David was also the visionary to build the purpose-built pool at the Melville Water Polo Club at Bicton Baths in 1977. This was followed by a pipeline across the Swan River to bring the hot water from the CSR site to the Melville Water Polo Club to heat the pool. Another of his innovations was to source the artesian bore and thermally heat the pool and spa. In 2024, David was awarded the May Campbell Medal for Service to Sport. He competed at 4 Olympic Games: Mexico 1968, Munich 1972, Montreal 1976, and Moscow 1980.

The Weir and the Woods
The story of the Perth Hills forest and its association with one of the world's greatest engineering feats
Monday 15 April 2019 at 2 pm
Presenter: Roger Underwood AM is a West Australian forester, bushfire scientist and historian, who has devoted his career to growing and protecting WA trees and forests, and researching their use and management. He is the author of six books on forest and bushfire history.

SHROUD OF TURIN with a FULL SIZE REPLICA and screen images.
Talk: Shroud of Turin
Date: Monday 18 March 2019
Time: 2 pm and repeated at 7 pm
Presenter: Ted Miller
Image used here for interest and attention purposes only.

Growing up Barefoot in Freo
Harry Gough, engineer and author of "Barefoot in Freo", will launch his self-published book and talk about his experiences growing up in Fremantle. Harry is a grand-nephew of Henry Miller, founder of the bakehouse. His grandfather is Henry's older brother, Charlie Miller.
Date: Monday 17 February 2020

Afternoon Tea
A series of wonderful afternoon teas were served at the Miller Bakehouse Museum during the museum's Sunday opening hours in 2019.
Provided by Antiqitea

The fun and fear of doing a Family Tree on the Internet. A gentle introduction for the curious using 'MyHeritage'
Date: Monday 17 August 2020 at 2 pm
Presenter: Ted Miller
This presentation included a live demonstration of the capabilities of the website for genealogical research using Ted's family as a focus. The audience was predominantly familiar with the subject of Charles Glass who was featured in Ted's previous talk about the discovery of gold East of Northam.
The Little Known True History of the First Discovery of Gold East of Perth that Lead to Coolgardie and Beyond
The presentation will include images of Mangowine Homestead, a National Trust property.
Date: Monday 16 March 2020 at 2 pm
Presenter: Ted Miller

Transmission: A History of Amateur Radio in WA
Date: Monday 19 October 2020 @ 2 pm
This event was a tour of the Wireless Hill Museum for the exhibition celebrating the unique story of the VHF (very high frequency) Amateur Radio Club of WA that resided onsite since 1972. The information covered all aspects of amateur radio from its beginnings to the role played in both world wars and even the part HAM volunteers played in the 2019/20 East Coast bushfires. Included were local identities who pioneered wireless transmission including Wally Coxon who designed the Mulgaphone, a unique WA wireless set, made by Westralian Farmers for country people to use to listen to 6WF. Ruth Longley, who resided in Ardross in later years was the first woman to obtain an amateur radio licence in WA and went on to become the first WA woman to join the WRAAF as a radio operator.
Sunday 2 February 2025 - Museum open for the beginning of the new year. Discovered and celebrated MHS's plans for 2025
Monday 21 October 2024 - 'Inns and Outs of Fremantle': Allen Graham shared many stories from his research into pubs in Fremantle. 1829-1929
Monday 16 September 2024 - Murdoch Lecture (courtesy of the City of Melville) by Dr Elizabeth Burns-Dans. 'Tactile History: Digitisation and Australian Artefacts'
Monday 19 August 2024 - Annual General Meeting
Monday 15 July 2024 - Collections WA presented by Natalie Evans
Monday 20 May 2024 - Reminiscence about your school days – sharing your memories and memorabilia
Monday 15 April 2024 - Visit to the Nurses' Memorial at Point Walter
Monday 18 March 2024 - Julia Cook on 'The history and culture of mental health nursing with reference to Heathcote Hospital', presented by Julia Cook
Monday 19 February 2024 - 'Behind the scenes dramas when three of Pam's family were water polo Olympians in more than one Olympics' presented by Pam Neesham
Saturday 7 October 2023 - Melville History Society's Ruby 40th Anniversary party
Monday 18 September 2023 - 2023 Murdoch Lecture by Dr Lenore Layman - 'The World of Household Work in Early Colonial Western Australia'. Explore the world of household work in early 19th century WA. Only fragments have been left for us to piece together this economic, social and emotional world — of masters, mistresses, indentured and colonial servants, adults, children and the attempted integration of colonised Aboriginal women and children.
Monday 21 August 2023 - Melville History Society's Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 16 August 2023 – 'In history's page Advance Australia Fair: how Melville History Society came about and some things we have done' presented by Ted Miller
Monday 17 July 2023 - 'The Edinger Family History' presented by Helen Edinger
Monday 19 June 2023 - 'The Whitely/Whiteley clan in WA and Fremantle from 1837' presented by Malcolm Whitely
Monday 15 May 2023 - 'The black swan emblem in Western Australia's art and culture' presented by Alex George
Monday 17 April 2023 - Visit to Randwick Stables
Monday 20 March 2023 - 'History of Kardinya' presented by Christ Soutar
Monday 20 February 2023 - 'Centenary of the Palmyra Parish: a social history' presented by Ted Miller
Monday 17 October 2022 - Visit to the Fremantle Hospital Museum
Thursday 6 October 2022 - The Murdoch Lecture Series 2022: Elite Female Connections and Influence in Mid-Tudor England presented by Emily Chambers
9-11 September 2022 - 57th Annual State History Conference of Affiliate Societies, Denmark, WA
Monday 15 August 2022 - Melville History Society's Annual General Meeting
Monday 18 July 2022 - 'History of the Site of the Current Arcadia Waters Retirement Village and the Original Homestead Hammersmith House' presented by Ted Miller and Pam Neesham. Held at Arcadia Waters
Monday 20 June 2022 - Tour of the Original East Fremantle Post and Telegraph Office - Hosted by Todd Grierson and Nathan Hewitt
Monday 16 May 2002 - 'The Most Generous Benefactor of the UWA Medical School: Mary Raine' presented by Helen Edinger
Monday 21 March 2022 - Visit to the WA Shipwreck Museums, the Wooden Boat Building in WA exhibition
Thursday 28 October 2021 - 96 children and 16 teachers and supporting adults visited the Miller Bakehouse Museum. From St Joseph Pignatelli and Pater Noster schools. They enjoyed the history lesson and playing with the old scales, which were in pounds and ounces.
Sunday 17 October 2021 - A day for tasting special breads baked by guests. Offerings made by Derek Hughes and his group of baking enthusiasts, professionals, amateurs and beginners.
Monday 20 September 2021 - The 2021 Murdoch Lecture by Peter McMullan on 'From prisoners to migrants: Italian and German prisoners of war in Australia during the Second World War and after'
Monday 16 August 2021 - Melville History Society's 38th AGM
Monday 19 July 2021 - 'Preserving family history: Fact or fiction, myth or legend' presented by Penhale Martin
Monday 21 June 2021 - 'The Madwoman's Coat' presented by Ian Reid
Monday 17 May 2021 - 'His Majesty's Theatre' presented by Helen Edinger
Monday 19 April 2021 - 'Davis and Caporn families in Australia' presented by Dr Maureen Smith
Monday 15 March 2021 - Visit to the WA Museum Boola Bardip
Monday 15 February 2021 - 'Growing up in Melville in the 1940s and 1950s' presented by Ted Miller
Monday 19 October 2020 - Transmission: A history of amateur radio in WA
Monday 21 September 2020 - The Melville History Society's 37th Annual General Meeting
Monday 17 August 2020 - Doing a family tree on the internet
Monday 16 March 2020 - 'The Little Known True History of the First Discovery of Gold East of Perth that Lead to Coolgardie and Beyond' by Ted Miller
Monday 17 February 2020 - 'Growing up Barefoot in Freo' by Harry Gough
Saturday 7 December 2019 - Committee, members and their families' Christmas party at the Miller Bakehouse
Monday 21 October 2019 - Visit Leeuwin II Sail Training Ship at Victoria Quay
Monday 16 September 2019 - Guest speaker Paul Taucher on The Dilemmas of Responsibility: Command and Control on Ambon Island - POW Camp
6-8 September 2019 - 2019 State History Conference
Friday 30 August 2019 - 'Dear Emily' and the 'Angels' in Western Australia
Monday 15 April 2019 - 'The Weir and the Woods' by Roger Underwood AM
Monday 18 March 2019 - 'Shroud of Turin' with a full size replica