About Melville History Society

2023 marked the 40th (Ruby) anniversary of the Melville History Society

The following is an extract from the Melville History Society's newsletter dated November 1983, vol. 1, no. 1

"The Melville Historical Society - at a public meeting held at the Melville Civic Centre on Wednesday July 27 1983, a steering committee was appointed to consider matters relating to the mechanism of the proposed Society, including the preparation of a constitution. The 'draft' Constitution of the Society, and recommendations of the steering committee were subsequently adopted at the Inaugural Meeting of the Society held on September 29 1983.

The members of the Steering Committee are commended on their efficient and valuable work, achieved in less than eight weeks, and acknowledgements is made to - Michael Woodhouse (Chairman), Mesdames Wendy Birman, Evelyn Mitchell, Betty Rowe, Jean Teasdale and Bettie Quicke and Messrs, Lloyd Jones and Roy Morrish."

Melville History Society is committed to preserving and sharing the history and culture of Melville, Western Australia. 

We encourage you to get involved, contribute or learn about our wonderful past so our history is not forgotten. 

Melville History Society Inc. is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) and was established in 1983.  ABN 98 855 689 773

MHS Objectives

The Melville History Society aims to promote the importance of preserving local historical information in the Melville community and to raise the awareness of the Miller Bakehouse Museum, a heritage listed building under the State Heritage Act founded in 1988.

The objectives of the Society, as stated in its constitution are:
a) To promote interest in the history within the City of Melville;
b) To foster the collection and preservation of historical material including oral and written records, photographs and general memorabilia, artefacts, building and contents
c) To promote the Society and the functions throughout the community
d) To provide programmes of interest to members and others
e) To do all such things and acts as are consistent with or conducive to the furtherance of the objects of the Society

MHS also offers a service of undertaking research into local history by request and hires out a meeting room located at the Miller Bakehouse Museum.

Melville History Society Inc.
Contact: P.O. Box 141, Melville WA 6156, Australia
Location: Miller Bakehouse Museum: 7 Baal Street, Palmyra WA 6157, Australia
Call: 0466 333 849
Email: melvillehistory@gmail.com

© 2025 Melville History Society Inc.
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