Bakehouse Business

You, as a householder, want your bread delivered regularly every day, and you are entitled to this service. We can see you get it, but you can easily understand that if the carter has to walk that extra distance to the back door, he becomes discouraged and is disinclined to remain in his employment.
We therefore ask you to help us retain this undoubted convenience, by streamlining the carter's task. This can be done by placing a container, together with the cash, on the front verandah or nearest point of delivery.
We believe this to be the only way we can retain effective home delivery of bread, because it will make the carter's task quicker and less fatiguing and so encourage him to remain on the job. This should cause you no inconvenience so we confidently appeal for your co-operation.
The system will come into operation on - Monday, April 29th, 1952.
A Vienna loaf for 12 cents, don't mind if I do!
In February 1966, when decimal currency was introduced, the following conversion price list was issued to assist the bread carter in adjusting to the new currency.
It looks like the Miller Bakehouse was into a variety of soy, rye and protein enhanced breads back in 1966.
The price list and other interesting items are on display at the Miller Bakehouse Museum.

The telephone displayed in the museum was originally in the Miller's house in Hammad Street, Palmyra, and served as the business phone.
Messages were passed to the bakery through an intercom system of which it was part.
Only some of the business was undertaken by phone as customers paid cash to the baker when he delivered to the door. A card of bread vouchers could be bought in advance. These were usually sold at a discount.
Other customers had bread on account and were presented with a bill each Monday for the previous week's bread.